

🕊️ 当ボディーセラピーは、以下のプライバシーポリシーを遵守いたします 🕊️




🪷This privacy policy applies to Japanese laws.



★ 差別的な発言や誹謗中傷を決して行いません。

★ 暴言や暴力行為などを決して行いません。

★ 当ボディーセラピーは、ご予約時および事前キャンセル時に料金は発生致しません。

★ I will comply with the revised Personal Information Protection Act of Japan and related laws and regulations and guidelines.

★I will endeavor to properly handle personal information and specific personal information.

★I will never make discriminatory remarks or slander.

★I will never verbal abuse or commit act of violence.

★In my body therapy, there is no charge at the time of reservation and advance cancellation.

① 個人情報の定義について

-Definition of personal information-


ご本人の氏名、生年月日、性別 など

ご職業、住所、電話番号、メールアドレス、連絡先 など

SNSなどで公にされているご本人の情報 など 


Personal information is information about an individual.

Your full name, date of birth, gender, etc.

Occupation,Address, phone number, email address, contact information, etc.

Personal information made public on SNS, etc.

It becomes information that can identify a specific individual that has been made public.

② 個人情報取得の目的

-Purpose of acquiring personal information-


★ お客様ご本人様の確認を行うため

★ ご予約される際に個人情報をご入力していただく必要があるため

★ お問い合わせの際に個人情報をご入力していただく必要があるため

★ 当ボディーセラピーを施術される前に、カウンセリングシートに個人情報をご記入して頂くため

★ お客様の個人情報を確認し、当ボディーセラピーの施術によるリスクを説明するため

This is the information content that I need to acquire when I perform body therapy.

★ Because confirm customers identity.

★ Because customers necessary to enter personal information when making a reservation.

★ Because customers necessary to enter personal information when making an inquiry.

Because customers necessary to fill in personal information on the counseling sheet before treatment on my body therapy.

③ 個人データの第三者への提供について

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties



★ 意識障害時、お客様の命に関わる症状が認められた場合など、ご本人の同意を得ることが難しい時

→ ご家族などの緊急連絡先にご連絡を致します。

★ すぐに医療機関への緊急搬送が必要と判断した時

→ ご家族などの緊急連絡先にご連絡を致します。

★ 救急搬送(救急車)時や緊急搬送先の医療機関から情報提供を求められた場合

★ 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがある時 など

★ 外部サービスとの連携または、外部サービスを利用した認証にあたり、当該外部サービス運営会社にユーザー情報を提供する場合

★ I can disclose or provide personal information to third parties retrieved from the customer is not available. However, if it exceptions below.

★ If you have the consent of the disclosure of personal information.

★ When it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer, such as when consciousness is disturbed or when the customer’s life-threatening symptoms are recognized.

→ I will contact your family etc, emergency contacts.

★ When I transported by ambulance (ambulance) or when I requested to provide information by a medical institution.

★ When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, a local government or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person concerned When you have the right to impede, etc.

★ When providing user information to the relevant external service operating company for cooperation with external services or authentication using external services.


-Disclosure and deletion of personal data-

★ お客様から個人データの開示を求められた時は、遅滞なくお客様ご本人に対しこれを開示致します。

★ 個人情報の内容に誤りがある場合は、内容の修正、追加または削除を行うことが可能です。

例)引っ越しなどによる住所変更、誤字や誤入力、苗字の変更 など

★ 来店が困難になったため、個人情報を削除して欲しい時

→ シュレッターを使用して細断処理後に適切に処分を致します。

★ When a customer requests disclosure of personal data, I will disclose it to the customer without delay.

★ If the content of personal information is mistake, it is possible to correct, add or delete the content.

★ e.g.) Change of address due to moving,an error in writing,an input error, change of last name, etc.

★ When you want your personal information to be deleted,because it has became difficult for you to come to my body therapy.

→ I will use a shredder to properly dispose of it after shredding.






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-About posted advertisements-



当サイトや他サイトへのアクセスに関する情報については、 「Cookie」を使用することがあります。


Cookie(クッキー)を無効化する方法や「Google アドセンス」についての詳しい情報は以下のGoogleポリシーと規約をご覧ください。

My website uses third-party advertising services (Google AdSens ).

It is used for the purpose of displaying advertisements for products and services that are of interest to customers.

I may use 「cookies」 for information regarding access to my website and other websites.

It does not include your name, address, email address, or phone number.




全てのコメントは管理人である、外尾 加奈( Kana Hokao)が事前にその内容を確認し、承認した上での掲載となりますことをあらかじめご了承下さい。


特定の自然人または法人を誹謗し、中傷するもの。 極度にわいせつな内容を含むもの。



This site records the IP address used when commenting as a response to spam and vandalism.

This is a standard supported feature for blogs and we do not use this IP address for anything other than spam and vandalism.

Please note that all comments will be reviewed and approved in advance by Kana Hokao, the administrator, before being posted.

In addition, comments that include the following items may not be approved and may be deleted at the administrator’s discretion.

Those that slander or slander a specific natural person or legal entity. Content containing extremely obscene content.

Matters related to transactions of prohibited goods, requests for acts that harm others, requests for mediation of goods prohibited by law, etc.

Any other content that is offensive to public order and morals, or that is judged not to be approved by the administrator.





Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on my website, I won’t be held responsible for any actions taken by users using the information on my website.

I shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to the user by the user’s use of my website or any damage caused to a third party by the user.


-About inquiries-

★ ご意見やご質問、その他に何かございましたらお気軽にお問い合わせをお願い致します。



For inquiries, please contact me from the inquiry form.

【 ご連絡先-Contact information 】


Address:242-1, Kamitogawa, Ushizu-chou, Ogi-city, Saga, 849-0305, JAPAN

個人情報取扱責任者:外尾 加奈(ホカオ カナ)

          Kana Hokao

固定電話番号:0952-66-4307 ( Japan )


非通知設定をされている電話番号 発信者不明な電話番号 国際電話番号 など

メールアドレス-email address



💝I have a favor for you all💝




Among the countries around the world, there is only one my body therapy in Japan.

If you have no idea this content, please be careful of the scam that pretends to be my body therapy name.

If you find a fake site on my website, I would appreciate it if you could contact me.


💞Everyone who is not Japanese language💞

★ I can speak a little English.

★ If you can speak Japanese and can’t understand Japanese read, I will explain.

★ In the case of other countries languages, I will explain using a translation machine.

→ 🥰🌏🤝💞🫱🏿‍🫲🏻🌍🫱🏿‍🫲🏻💞🤝🌎🥰




🕊️I continue to sincerely pray for peace in all countries around the world🍀

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🏳️‍🌈 外尾 加奈 Kana Hokao 🏳️‍🌈

Kana Hokaoのフォローをお願いいたします!!Please follow me on my SNS if you like.